Community Service Hours
Community Service HoursAll scholars (9th -12th) must complete 100 hours by the time they graduate; community hours may not be paid or given class credit. Community Hours must be done after school or on the weekend (NO EXCEPTIONS).
**Hours completed during summer should be submitted upon return to school no later than the end of August.**
If you are unsure of the organization you are interested in doing your community hours please check in with Ms. Morales.
The activity must be pre-approved by Ms. Morales's school counselor before starting your community service.
9th-grade students can only do 10 hours of community service at Ceiba. Community service hours logs are in the front of the school.
Community hour log drop-off hours: you may drop off the community hour log after school (3:15 - 4:00 pm) in Ms. Morales's office or you may drop them off at the front office.