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Ceiba utiliza Parentsquare para mantenernos conectados con nuestras familias. Esta plataforma es una herramienta esencial para nuestra comunicación, por favor activa tu su cuenta si aún no lo ha hecho. A continuación encontrará las preguntas más frecuentes para ayudarle a empezar.
DocumentsCeiba has compiled a list of goals and needs for its 2022-23 LCAP. Please review the draft LCAP document as well as a summary slide set in order to provide feedback prior to finalizing the LCAP. Any items highlighted in yellow are pending information and/or review by Ceiba's Financial Services Provider and will be updated appropriately. Draft Ceiba 2022-2023 LCAP (English) Draft Ceiba 2022-2023 LCAP (Spanish) Summary Slides (English) Summary Slides (Spanish) Feedback Form Past Documents
DocumentsCeiba renews its charter regularly through a rigorous review process, culminating in a Renewal Charter Petition. Our most recently-renewed Charter is posted below.
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